Saturday, January 3, 2009

More Lego Building

For Christmas, I got a Lego set called Green Grocer. It's a three story building that features a grocer on the bottom store, and two apartments above it. The set weights in at over 2500 pieces at will probably take me around 10 hours to fully assemble. The set has a huge amount of detail: a mouse that hides under the stairs and eats cheese, a dairy cabinet stocked with juice and milk, vegetable bins, checkout counters, mailboxes, etc.

Neya and I started to assemble the bottom floor on New Years day. Here are some pictures below. We had a lot of fun putting it together. Sometimes, getting my 5-year-old daughter involved slows the process and tests my patience, but it's totally worth it!

All of the pieces spread out on the table (for the first floor). It really pays to have a big table! (thankfully, Lego organizes the bags for the pieces by floor).

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