Friday, January 2, 2009

Goals for 2009.

I'm not one to spend a lot of time reflecting, so here are my personal and professional goals for 2009.

Note: My prior comments about uninspired work may have confused some people, so let me clarify: I love working at Versatile. I love my job. I love the people I work with. I've done good, solid work. My customers have been happy, my employer has been happy (I think!), and overall I have been happy. However, I tend to evaluate my work output probably much more critically than most people I know, and I really want to do something much better!

Onto the list!

Loose 40 Pounds - Started off good last year. We'll see if I can do it this year! Rebuck - I'll be calling you for trips to L.A. Fitness!

Get On the Raquetball Court (and beat Rebuck) - This will take a lot of work (just getting on the court... not beating Rebuck ;-)). I love raquet sports, and I miss playing them with Mark. I hope to get my ankle in good enough shape to play again!

Family - I really want to be a better husband and father. I need to be more patient with my kids (which surprises me -- I am usually a very patient person). Overall, I need to spend more time with my family... which leads me to my next goal.

Work - Just say NO to work. I work a lot. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, I enjoy it. I love what I do, and I love the challenges of the things that I get asked to deliver. But, I plan to be saying NO a little bit more to my co-workers, managers, and bosses a little more this year. My family deserves it!

Work - Do something KICK ASS. I cannot predict what I will be working on next year (our industry and my company moves way too fast), but I really want to do something really cool. I have a good shot early this year. We have a project code named Sheep Metal at work. It's a really good chance to right some wrongs, and do something really good. We'll see!

Books - I need to read more this year. And reading more does not mean "Spring in Practice, version 2.5" and "Mastering Regular Expressions". I need to finish Cryptonomicon! My goal - read 10 non-technical and non-work-related books this year! (note: Audiobooks will count for me!)

Explore More Music - I need to stop downloading safe music from iTunes. I need open my ears and listen for new stuff.

Focus - My level of focus just has not been consistent over the last 2 years. I've had those 20% moments of being in the zone. I've been much better since coming back to work after the ankle injury, but I really need to focus on this area.

Build the Business - Wally and I have a great business concept, and I plan to test it in 2009. Very exciting!!!!

Finish Playing Legend of Zelda (Twlight Princess) - I've had this game since I purchased my Wii. There is nothing wrong with it... in fact, it's fantastic! For some reason, I've never been able to get myself to finish the game.

Get Matt Hurne to purchase Little Big Planet. - Need I say more?

Get More Out of My NetFlix Membership - I love NetFlix. However, I run into stretches where I do not rent movies for months. I usually make this up by watching tons of movies in short spurts, but I really need to make more out of my membership!

Quit Playing oGame - I will do this once I get my Death Stars. I promise! (stop laughing, Andy!)

Build a Lego House - My daughter and I have been building Lego sets (using the instructions that they give you in the box). I want to do some serious building on my own. My first creation for this year will be a re-make of our home. This should be good fun!

Work-Related Goals:

Learn JavaFX - It's probably too little, too late for Sun, but I still think it's the right thing for Sun to do. I'll be learning this new technology stack soon.

Work on Design - I've always been a student of graphical design. Over the last couple of years, I've been lucky enough to put more of it into practice. I've already ordered some bibles of graphics design, so I am excited to learn more!

Learn a Functional Language - Scala, Erlang, etc. I should do this. I think this is really more hype than practice at the moment, but the mental gymnastics will be good for me.

Use More Regular Expressions - I know RegEx. I just don't use them enough. That changes this year!

Be Smarter About Tools - There are lots of tools out there that help to make me more productive. I'm going to start paying more for good software development tools.

Learn Something Completely New - I want to learn something completely new in the I.T. field. We'll see where the year takes us.......

Happy New Years!


MarkRebuck said...

Oh, it's ON! I've missed the racquetball, too.

Anonymous said...

Bill, you are already making progress on your goals for 2009, and its only day 3! I picked up my very own copy of LittleBigPlanet today!